Thursday, August 7, 2014

TheTruth-140807: Actually, ALL things ARE possible with God

My Beloved,

A known, yet often misinterpreted verse in the Holy Scriptures is:

Mark 10:27 - "Jesus looked at them and said,
'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.'"

This does NOT mean that God is like our genie granting whatever wish we may have. We fail in understanding the truth about God our Father. The context surrounding this verse is summed up in Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." God is our God in knowing what is best for us and will bless us with all the possibilities when we obey Him. Otherwise, we have greater faith in ourselves than in God which results to trying to make all things possible with man (including self). And, this contradicts the Truth (of what is said in the main verse here).

Similar verse:  Matthew 19:26

Look at the verses surrounding this main verse. The verses before set up the main verse as the climax where even the disciples of Jesus are mind-boggled with the question, "Who then can be saved?" And, Jesus our Lord does not leave us pressed in confusion, but pulls us out with clarity in the following verses.

Take a keen look after the main verse, see Peter's response: "We have LEFT EVERYTHING to FOLLOW YOU." In the Book of Matthew (or Matthew's version in chapter 19), Peter questions Jesus again with a selfish tone asking, "...What then will there be for us?" Jesus replies with a similar answer to Peter as to the young rich man who Jesus just spoke to in this passage. Basically, from verse 21 He says, " will have treasure in heaven." (See Matthew 6:19-24.)

Even angels know this from reading Luke 1:37 !

Our Lord reminds us of the importance of giving up everything to follow Him in order to receive eternal life with treasures in heaven (i.e., in the words of fairy tales, to live happily ever after).

To sum all this up, I would rewrite this verse as such: "All things are possible with God when you follow Him."

*I am using the New International Version in citing verses.

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