Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Need for Strong Men - Proactively


As we witness the horrific situation occurring in Baltimore, nothing is more offensive to me than seeing the lack of men standing firm together in Baltimore against all the bad kids and thugs causing such enormous criminal acts and instilling fear in the neighborhoods of Baltimore. For us men to react in such delay and not help our law enforcement protect our cities is a disgrace. Moments like these call for men and not only police officers and fire fighters.

A kid, one of many, rioting against Baltimore police.

Baltimore gang members taking advantage of the protest and causing the riot.

Angry Baltimore citizens expressing themselves on part of the mass emotions rocking America because of its injustice.

A big shout out and appreciation to Vietnam Veteran Robert Valentine for standing up and defending our civil liberties and pressing for a proper systematic change to justice.

I, personally, have some extended family and good friends living there. Hence, the reason why I'm getting really personal.

I will not stand by to wait for matters to worsen in the neighborhoods of Northeast DC. I will be proactive in engaging the neighbors in Brookland along with other surrounding neighborhoods that our church is called to serve. Many of you live in that area now and I hope you feel the same passion as I do. We must protect our neighborhoods from violence and proactively pray for peace in our neighborhoods. This is how we ultimately protect our families as well.

As an army brat, I know the pride that comes with defending this great nation. Many days I wonder why I didn't join the service. However, I use these thoughts to motivate my passion to serve as much as I can on a positive front with my local church. Much more can be accomplished by the orders of the Spirit of God as opposed to simple orders of men. And I recognize that my life is no more important than the life of my neighbors.

I challenge you to step up over this summer and engage your neighbors. I challenge you to know your local police officers. I challenge you to take our monthly service to our neighborhoods more serious and more sincere. And I pray that you are asking God to make you into one of his soldiers. I pray that God is making you into one of His soldiers along with myself.

If I may, let me remind you that God did not give us a spirit of fear. He gave us a spirit of power, love, and discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7) 

I am not advocating a defense with violent means or use of guns and knives. I am advocating for a strong defense with our prayer hands united with the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 10: 4, Romans 14:19)

I hope you hear this email as a calling and not as a command. And I look forward to serving with you over this summer.

Your brother,

P.S. Much appreciation to the 300 men of Baltimore and fellow residents reclaiming the winning hand for their communities and setting such an incredible, positive example to all. May we all replicate the "love line" in times of protest.


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