Monday, April 4, 2016

My Opinion - Tech Start-Up Culture


Read this -

Here are my thoughts (yes, again...hahahaa).
This is why I think asking questions like "What do tech companies look for in a recruit? Critical thinking, blah, blah, blah...." is garbage. It's HR protocol, not true tech folk.
Show me a GitHub link with your code along with a explaining how to download and use your code. Mine doesn't have the best, but it's a start.

Show me your website (even if it's a blog) stating some of your thoughts (and in essence, your character).

And introduce me to a Dev recruiter who knows that it's more than just asking questions like "Prove O(n) > O(n+1)"? I have great respect for (competitor to Dropbox) because they did their start-up right - similar to the start-ups in the 1980s. Product first, then sales. The only critique I have with Google is that they actually started with their doctoral project and turned it into a company product, which is smart. But, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook...they were smarter and started in undergraduate school (based on my understanding - no time to actually research this). Another reason why I think education is failing...and why I'm hoping to get my students to start being entrepreneurs during undergrad.

One day, I hope to start my own company. Unfortunately, my spare time is very limited during this stage of life, but I'm happy to focus on family until then.

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