Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The First to Commit Suicide

Hello my Impact brothers and sisters,

So, I was talking to my wife last night about why Adam was the first to commit suicide and came up with this analogy which I think might be helpful. This is coming from the story of the Great Fall (Genesis 3).

Suicide by Food Poisoning

God told Adam (and Eve) not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This fruit, in my words, is poisonous. It is the poison within the fruit - i.e. knowledge of evil - that contaminates the entire fruit and makes the entire fruit poisonous. No matter how juicy and delicious the fruit is, because there is poison in it a person will die from eating the fruit. Adam was warned by God. It's like our best friend (God) telling us not to eat a certain food because if we eat it then we will die. Or, not to eat at a specific restaurant (i.e. a tree). And then, like Adam, we eat it and...we die. Not because the fruit itself is bad, but because of what is in the fruit is bad.
A stronger analogy to many of today's suicides can compare this fruit to a drug. Many of us grow up learning from parents, friends, and others that we should not take any drugs because of the many consequences which one leads to overdose and death. Unfortunately, many of us are enticed to such harmful drugs or even get addicted to prescription drugs. When life really has us feeling worthless, eventually we end up dying from overdose. In the story of Adam and Eve, this fruit was a very powerful drug that the human body could not handle and when eaten would instantly send the body into overdose and die.

I pray this analogy is helpful.

Again, Adam was first because their eyes (i.e. Adam and Eve's) were not open to their nakedness until after Adam ate of the fruit (verse 7). But we shouldn't allow ourselves to get caught up with who was exactly first. What matters more is that there was a husband and wife who allowed each other to fall into sin instead of helping each other keep their holy guard up (and not commit suicide).

I pray that the Lord helps us in helping each other including ourselves with keeping our guard up and not committing suicide. God created us because we have worth. Each of our lives is worth more than we know. Thanks be to God.

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