Saturday, January 14, 2017

Book Review - Jesus B

Jesus B 

(by Jim Lyon)

This refined collection of sermons was a pleasant and insightful. I always thought like this author and have had many thoughts of my own regarding "The Calling of Every Christian" throughout the past couple of years. The outline of the book makes this an easy read. It's also a short read being less than one hundred pages.

How does one be like Jesus? Although everyone is unique, there are the fundamentals of character that Jesus has perfected. These fundamentals are what we ought to strive for as we be like Jesus. However, to be like Jesus we have to know more about who Jesus is.

Main Points

Here are the main points that I really liked from this book.
  • Who do you want to be?
    • This is a simple, yet powerful question. The answer to this question often determines our direction in life. It determines your identity. It determines where we put all of our energy and focus. So as a Christian, shouldn't we put a lot more energy and focus into being like the one we call our King, our Prince of Peace?
  • Celebrate Baptism.
    • We Christians need to make a big celebration of baptism. If there's anytime the church puts on a party, then these baptism moments are the time. Our family, friends, and everyone needs to know about this incredible conversion and proclamation of one beginning his/her journey to be like Jesus. Perhaps baptisms should happen outside in the public like the Jordan River?
  • Be Spirit-led.
    • Walk in the Way and keep in mind always to guard against these three natural temptations: 1) Providing for Yourself (i.e. selfishness), 2) Acting on Impulse (i.e. human nature vs godly nature), and 3) Switching Loyalties (i.e. cheating on God).
  • Be the change.
    • See what God can do through you. Let Him use you for the good of our world.
    • Let your walk around the neighborhood say a lot about the new you.
  • Be a healer.
    • Serve people, your community, your neighbors.
    • Spread hope.
    • Speak life into people (i.e. be encouraging).
    • Listen to what people need.
  • Be a nonfictional storyteller.
    • Master the storytelling of Jesus's life, and the other Bible stories.
    • Know how history is interconnected with the Bible.
    • Know how the Bible stories relate to today's stories.

Favorite Quotes

There were a lot of nice quotes by the author, but I'll limit to ten.
  1. Most of us want to have a relationship with Jesus, but we're not so keen on being like Him.
  2. Think of it: God Himself discipling us.
  3. We become evidence of the Scripture brought to life.
  4. Someone being baptized is completely helpless, off balance, and dependent on someone else: Jesus Christ.
  5. You can do more than influence others, you can show what it means to live in right relationship with God and help them see the world as heaven sees it.
  6. Never leave a conversation with another person in despair; always leave them with hope.
  7. ...spiritual gifts may be for a lifetime or may be for a season.
  8. It's God's gift to you for God's purpose.
  9. All of us have a tendency to worry about what others are going to say or think about us when we reach out to people who are not already followers of Jesus or whose journey with Jesus has been troubled, but Jesus Himself seemed to be free from such worry.
  10. One last thing: If you want to Jesus B. and really become a friend of sinners, you must know who you are, as Jesus did. #identity

    Favorite Verse

    "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began the good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6

    What's Missing?

    On page 88, the author provides a nice list of steps to remember when being like Jesus.

    1. Be publicly baptized.
    2. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
    3. Be God's light.
    4. Be a healer.
    5. Be a friend of sinners.
    6. Be a storyteller.

    What I think is missing is this:

    • Let your life tell a story of being like Jesus.

    If you died later today, then at least have people say that they could tell you were trying to live a life like Jesus Christ (of truth and love).

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